
Hit and run


肇事之後, 竟然不顧而去! ...係驚自己隻船都會沉埋, 唔理咁多, 速速離開現場駛番埋岸; 還是...???
大佬呀, 身為船長, 應有足夠的專業知識判斷當時的情況...。

假如己船沒有沉沒的危險, 可以留在現場, 即時幫助拯救落水的乘客, 或可減少一些傷亡...。


這裏我慣睇的兩個主流電視台都報道了這宗慘劇, 其中一個是財經台。若非大件事, 等閒一般新聞不會上該台的, 報道時是37死, 現在...唉, 增至38了!

目前不知那方要負上這次船難的相關刑事責任。不過,  hit and run, 就實在很難說得過去!!

2 則留言:

  1. 睇見都難過.....
    [版主回覆10/03/2012 10:12:42]X 2

  2. From my experience from investigating accidents (Vehicles), I will say that the damages on the one that had the 38 deaths was on the rear end, the other boat had the damages in the front left, that means the one that got hit had already passed in front of them and they struck them at the rear....That alone will prove that they have enough time to slow down or swerve before the strike!
    [版主回覆10/05/2012 01:21:08]牽涉咁多無辜人命, 應該早日查個水落石出, 誰個需負刑責!
    [BigDaddy回覆10/04/2012 22:05:45]In Common sense guessing, that should apply to the theory....I am sure HK police have a lot of great Investigators that could solve this case!
    [版主回覆10/04/2012 02:55:19]我完全不懂海上航道怎樣劃分, 這方面誰對誰錯不敢妄說; 不過...
    大船左面船頭撞細船左尾舷, 你的說法我覺得是大有可能...先是錯判彼此速度, 沒有及時減速相讓前面的細船, 埋到去大船想急向右駛避為時已晚, 於是肇禍...
